115: aurora

Stayed up late last night to get some aurora shots.  It wasn’t a great night, because it was really faint, but I’m tired of waking up every night at 1am in the hopes I’ll see some good aurora.  There isn’t anything good forecasted until next week now, but…this’ll do!


30sec, f / 9.0, ISO 800.

099: a little fun outside

My roommate and I have been having fires more frequently since it’s been getting warmer out, and earlier today, I finally got around to fixing up my glow poi, so I wanted to give ’em a shot outside.  I had our friend Ryan take the first couple of shots, because it was easier than using the self-timer.  I’m really rusty at my poi – it’s been well over a year since I played with them last, and now that they’re on chains instead of in socks, the weight difference throws me off again.  But I’ll get better!


2.0sec, f / 11, ISO 1600.
possibly a 3 beat?


2.0sec, f / 11, ISO 1600.


2.0sec, f / 11, ISO 1600.
Extended buzzsaw!

Then I found where all the fire spirits have been hiding…


0.6sec, f / 5.6, ISO 1600.

After a while, I gave up and put my camera on a timer on the BBQ on the deck and ran around my yard like a six year old.  I giggled, and shouted, and screamed “Wheeeee!”


10sec, f / 14, ISO 1600.


10.0sec, f / 8.0, ISO 1600.

…and it looked like so much fun that my roommate joined me with the other poi.  That bit in the middle where everything stops abruptly is where we accidentally ran into each other and almost fell over.


20sec, f / 11, ISO 1600.


068: by the sea

COMPLETELY forgot to take a picture today.  Just about to go to bed, and I remembered.  Here’s a quickie of a seashell laying on my bed in the dark, with a flashlight hiding under the covers.


20 sec, f / 14, ISO 400.

062: The Night

My house had a showing this evening (it is for sale), so I had to be scarce for a bit while my landlord showed it to an entire family, with kids and everything, and I came home to something on my wall which was knocked down, but I digress…

Anyhow, I took myself, my camera, and my tripod out for a walk to see if I could come up with anything interesting.  Well known fact: Smithers turns into a ghost town after 6PM, and even my attempts at highway photography proved fruitless.  It’s hard to take streaky car photos when there’s only one every minute or two.

I can’t decide between two photos that I took, so I will share both of them.  The first one was taken behind my house in the alleyway, where the only light is the neighbour’s light to his shed.  The second was taken up the street, and see what I mean about deserted?


5 sec, f / 6.3, ISO 400.


2 sec, f / 5.6, ISO 400.

And one more from my phone, because it’s adorable.  Look!  It’s my two favourite things.

A cat and his camera.

photo (2)


039 – the catch-up, part one

I got tired of writing “Day Zero Three Nine” etc.  It’s harder for my brain to remember, so I’m switching to numbers.  Also, this is the first post of the catch-up.  I’ve been away at a business conference for the last couple of days, doing 14 hour days on my feet, and only being in bed long enough to sleep a few hours before getting up to repeat.  I’m skipping tonight to give my body some much needed sleep, so I figure I have time to catch up on my photos.

(I actually managed to take at least one photo a day, even though I was in conference and talks and, well, parties for the last 72 hours.  Go me.)

Presenting: Drunk photography!


Canon Rebel XS. 1.3sec, f / 5.0, ISO 800.
the vancouver shore