106: nectar of the gods

So…I MADE MEAD TODAY.  In a bucket, because I’m the epitome of class, and because I can’t seem to find 1 gallon carboys or 5L demijohns anywhere.

Have some pictures of my ingredients!


1/125sec, f / 3.2, ISO 400.

Weighing my mead in the only way I can.  Spoon meet bucket.  Spoon meet scale.


1/125sec, f / 3.2, ISO 400.

My must (a must is the honey water mixture).  This is 4 lbs of honey, 5L of water, an organic orange, 1 cinnamon stick, 2 cloves, and 25 raisins


1/60sec, f / 2.2, ISO 400.

I pretended I was Elvis and shook up my mead to aerate it (“I was all shook up” …if you didn’t get it)  This is before I’ve pitched my yeast, which I’m still waiting to do.  Just gotta get to the right temperature!


1/60sec, f / 2.2, ISO 400.

I can’t wait to drink this.  I really can’t.